
Looks like the party is over

Heath Ledger and Michelle William have broken up. The couple split up a few weeks ago because they claimed they "grew apart."

Dave Matthews time!

Funny guy, amazing performer, and a humanitarian! What more could you ask for? If only he was single!


Lily popped a photographer

Lily Allen was arrested for allegedly attacking a photographer in London. The attack happened in March outside of The Wardour club but Allen was charged for the crime yesterday morning.

A Paris update

Since UsWeekly has decided to take a break from Paris news I decided to give you a little update. The break from Paris may be a good thing for some people but I could not avoid at least one story. The ex- jail bird heiress was spotted in Hawaii hiding herself in a black wig and a straw hat. Paris was surrounded by her usual entourage of bodyguards and friends but the paparazzi figured out who she was and got a few candid shots of her. Paris decided to take a mini vacation to de-stress from her 23 day stint in jail, I am sure a lot more will be flowing than the volcanoes during her mini vacation.


A week free from Paris

UsWeekly has decided to give us a break from Paris Hilton
and all her problems for one week. This weeks issue will be absolutely Paris free, but next weeks issue will probably be filled with Paris' week of partying.

The new face of Nintendo

Nicole Kidman is going to be the new face of Nintendo for their "pan-European campaign." Nintendo is coming out with new self-improvement products and thought Nicole would be the perfect spokeswoman.


Lindsay's extended stay

Lindsay Lohan has decided to keep the party going and stay in rehab a little while longer. I mean, why not? Who wouldn't want to be at the Wonderland Rehab Center... the place looks like an amazing vacation resort! The party queen decided to continue her treatment by going through the extended care program.

She wants to get her life straightened out in order to focus more on her career and not make box office blunders like, Herbie Fully Loaded, Just My Luck, and that sappy stinker with Jane Fonda - Georgia Rule. Lindsay has taken a long break from the LA nightlife (and I'm sure all the bouncers and paparazzi are missing her dearly.) Lindsay has a longer journey ahead of her than expected but I am sure the tabloids will continue to report on her "recovery." After all what is entertainment gossip without a story about Lindsay Lohan?! - Answer... more gossip dedicated to Paris and Britney.